You know those days where you wake up in the morning just needing a massage? Unfortunately, I have those mornings a lot more frequently than I would like to admit. After craving a massage for about a month, I ventured up Scottsdale Road for a much needed deep tissue massage at Elements Therapeutic Massage at the Scottsdale Promenade.
The minute I walked through the door I noticed the facility’s warm and relaxing ambiance. After I was greeted at the front desk, I sat down on one of the lobby’s couches to fill out a short form which asked for medical basics and more importantly, what kind of relaxing background music I preferred during my therapy (I chose rain). Just as I finished filling out my paperwork, my massage therapist greeted me and whisked me back into a beige painted room alive with glowing lights and soothing music. She briefly asked me if I had any health issues or achy areas gave me plenty of time to chill out and sink into the comfy massage bed. After reentering the room, my therapist started my massage with a dose of ultra calming lavender aromatherapy. She then made sure I was comfortable with the pressure and gently kneaded out all of my knots and sore muscles. For the next 55 minutes I was able to forget my worries and stresses and for the first time in a long time I was completely relaxed.
After my massage was over all my sore spots from the gym and tense areas from stress were alleviated and I felt a sense of calmness–physically and mentally. Not only was I impressed with the quality of my massage, I also appreciated how the staff at Elements Elements Therapeutic Massage made me feel welcome and comfortable.
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